Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Power of "Look at your Face" Theory

My buddy 们, there is something I would like to share today and its about the "look at your face" theory that I've observed around in my daily life, in the shop, in my working environment. I guess most of you have see this situation before, or maybe I should say you involve into this phenomena before. Maybe you still don't know what am I talking about, I should just start off with 2 example comparing, and you will know what I try to say here. So we can discuss about it. Ok let's start:

1st example: (at the workplace-just a story, no offense if it coincide with your incident) People who involve is the worker, and the boss. One day, there is some emergency happen which will cause company to lose maybe a hundred of thousand- if not solve it properly. This worker gotten very panic trying to rescue the emergency, and the boss trying to comment or giving command while this worker is panicking. End up a mess, this worker make the situation worse and screwed up. SO here is the critical point. Its like when the thing is messed up, the worker suddenly got no idea what to do next, and THEN the boss stare at the worker face from beside. maybe a 0.5m range. Imagine, a situation where the worker got no idea what to do next sitting there feeling very panic and upset while the boss stare at you from beside. Awwww.... its awkward. Without scolding the worker, the boss' eyes sight on your face is like the LASER burning you! This is not totally bad. This teach you the lesson. This make you feel you need improvement. And this teach you how to say sorry and learn.

2nd example: (at the workplace-just a story, no offense if it coincide with your incident) I make it simple and fast here, since the first example, you know how is the vice versa. It involve the boss and the worker. Now its the worker's turn to stare at the boss. Lock your eye sight to the boss expression, hand movement, presentation, the way the boss talks, the way the boss command, and the way the boss solve emergency problem. In example 1, when boss stare at you equal to the boss is teaching u a lesson that you're wrong- a form of scolding. But when the worker stare at the boss, the aura that brings out from that particular scene easily shows that the worker is very willingly and very concentrating on learning from the boss.

So after the 2 example you get what I mean now? From the 3rd person point of view, you should understand that why power can create different aura. Its very very natural TO BE like that. Put it the other way round, when the boss do mistake, and the worker do what the boss command, and end up also epic fail, at this moment, the boss HAVE THE RIGHT to release the aura of staring at you too. The worker will be so innocent and yet scare being stared by the boss even the worker just follow the command. This teach us the lesson that powerful people ALWAYS rules. But what I mean is powerful in term of the particular situation or jobs. Who knows that the worker are good in swimming. When it comes to swimming, when the boss take a swimming course, and so soi the swimming coach is the worker. HOW? the worker stare back at the boss when the boss do mistake in swimming? LOL.

Just to conclude here, powerful people always rules. This is the fact that you have to accept. In the workplace, as long as the system is like a hierarchy, ruling of power is always exist. Just be with it.

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