Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Law of Attraction

I call it the "nature" of Hisap (Bahasa Malaysia). Recently I've finish the book called "The Secret". I believe many people heard about the wonder of this book. STOP! I know what are you thinking in your mind now... hiak hiak hiak~. You start to wonder if everyone start to hisap this law, this world will be messy lor, but no worry. The first book from this author get a lot of criticism from the reader. It slowly tend to make the reader feel like this book is evil, it's religious-ness, its "scary" in the form of satan's power. But who cares right? reader read the books, they can gain knowledge from the books. Even the worse case that you disagree 98% from the books. You still learn grammar from it right? (paiseh ar, my english grammar also not so good even i've read alot, coz I like to be freestyler).

Ok, let's get down to this writing. I do not want to spend my time explaining about this "law" because people would know it already. If you don't know, buy the books, and read it yourself. (I read from my iphone apps using "mega-reader". I'll sumurize a little before I giving example from this law. The law of attraction practically means that "what you thinks, what you dream, will comes to you". You think to be rich, you act like you are rich, you perform your daily life and express your attitude as if you are rich. AND there you are, you "hisap" all the rich around you. But wait, this is not the divine ultimate god power, this is scientifically explainable if you ask me. This is because when you start to dream, you start to act like the other self, i'll call it the dreamer. Once you stuck to be the dreamer of yourself, you tend to move and act like it, and the action lead you to the reaction. Newton's 3rd law, action always lead to the same reaction. So..... basically you know what to do now.

Next, I would like to talk about my sister who went to a financial seminar. The person who give speech talks about chakra in the seminar.

Ok, like what you see chakra is a form of energy possess in human body(hindu's believe, not bieber's belieber). So why financial talks about energy? Lol, i am not feng shui master but who cares.

The reason I mention this seminar is I would like to apply my theory in the law of attraction. People tend to get stress, from works, family, friend, health, and so so on. So the law of attraction now comes to you. What do you "hisap" here boss?? You start to hisap all the negative force toward you from this universe. So before you learn to apply the law of hisap, my advise is to learn the law of release(my law). The law of unhisapness- You have to release all the negative impact on you. Start from meditation. Like the power of yoga, the power of chakra practice. Me myself don't do all this yoga or chakra stuff. But I do meditate often. Especially before bed time.

You can't apply law of attraction if your brain is dirty. So start off meditate. When you release your body, and clear your mind, start brainwash your mind with some positive thing or those thing that your dreamer dream of.

Before I end my topic here, I gonna give some example of the guitarist that inspire me all the time, and also example from me myself as a guitar player (hobby nia la, not pro).

Jimi Hendrix AKA the guitar GOD, or AKA the god of classic rocking machine in the 60'. During the childhood times, this weirdo mimic playing a guitar but by using a broom (i know you are like WTF? HAHA), he play over some record, or radio. As soon as he get his first guitar, he start to dream to climb to the submit of legendary guitarist. He sleep with the guitar(Again, its weird i know). But who cares, he attract all the legendary force to him, from zero to fame, from broom to guitarto the legend. You have to know, without him, there is no rock today. He is the god of guitar world.RIP jimi. The god up there need your guitar lesson.

Last but not least, me myself. I don't have any music DNA build-in. I dont have any talented hand. I never go for any guitar tutor or any yamaha class. But I dream to be a good player. I dont dream big, I dream it the possible way. I practice hard, i spend my free time playing guitar over youtube lesson or some chord handbook that my uncle gave me. Finally, I dream to play on the stage and OPS i accidently play over a "HORDE" of crowd thanks to my "shit" friend ray. I dream to have my first electric guitar, and OPS again, i got 3 electric guitar(should be 4 but 1 got stolen). OH YA, talk about stolen, I could link it to the law of hisap again. Because I love the guitar too much, I am so scare of hilangkan my 1st guitar, I imagine all kind of possibility that my guitar will missing somewhere, and POOF, the good theft take it from my home. Law of attraction don't limit you- say, that i have to buy the guitar myself, but it does count-in even its a gift from my parent.

There are many things to list out in my life time experience. You can recall back and link it to this law and you will find out that this is true (at least to me). And even if it is not, my advise is to meditate and fill your mind with positive thought. So no harm right?

Thats all for reading this long informal blog. Thanks and good luck mate ^^

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