Thursday, September 8, 2011

The killer "Question"

It's been decade I'm not blogging to this "lonely soul" blogspot already, but I feel kinda like express my anger today, so, I'm going to split everything out the thing. -things that i day dreamed when i was driving (its just a story)... I'll use the conversation approach in this post. Let's start:

(after a tiring day of work)

Boss: hey ali, how is your job today, everything doing fine???

Ali: yeah, everything is good but just that i'm a little tired. *mentally tired*

Boss: Waaaa, work a bit and you say tired liaw, you see I work from morning till late night also never complain tired leh!! ONE DAY when you hold bigger responsibility then you will work like me also, so you better train to have more endurance now ehhh...

Ali: Hmm... yeah boss but I....

Boss: Walao, don't but liaw... I see you are really a potential guy and you do your job very well. People around you like you quite well and why dont you do your best and show to the COMPANY that you are capable of doing things and show off your skill and talent??

Ali: *smiled, with the lower cheek being down*

Ali: Boss, do you mind that I

ask you ONE simple question please?

Boss: Sure why not!

Ali: Boss, how many hours do you spend with your lovely wife and your cute kid per days?
*I have the answer in me but I am curiou

s with the answer that he might give*

(the atmosphere turned like you were in the Area51) - 10 second later....

Boss: Depends!

Ali: ohhh i see...

(Boss walked away)

Ali (thinkin in the mind): Average person sleep 7 hours a day. 24 hours minus 7 hours is 17 awakening-hour. Spend 1 hour preparing to work, half hour to reach the destination, 9 working hours, and another half an hour to went back home. You left 6 of your OWN-hours in your daily life.

ow the review of the story:

Dear friends, imagine if you have a family to take care and to love of... DO YOU wan to take responsibility over something that is "EMPTY" actually? Taking RESPONSIBILITY over the company matter, and are you so proud of it? My friend, let's say if you DO, know how to teleport, and your working hours is the typical 8-5 deadly time. Then let me ask you TWO MORE QUESTION. What time your kid sleep at night? and when is the most important PROCESS of the growth of your kid?

THE ANSWER: healthy sleeping child is around 9 o'clock, and the most important process of their life is their childhood.

and you have 4 hours in your life out of 17 HOURS!!!!!!??? that you can see spend with your precious friends and family?

Let me show you some graph
that I personally found it interesting to study:

Do you see how Malaysian's life expectancy compare to all other country? and do you have a taste of how the other countries' life style is? If you have any friends from any of the country shown in the graph, talk to them and discuss about lifestyle and you will find out why. For example, look at Japan. Do Malaysian spend their precious time hot bathing, and having a sip of SAKE? or look at Switzerland, are you smiling all the time and saying "Grazie"?? OH YA, and look at FRANCE BABEHH! talking about France, and you'll link it to Paris, then Paris with LOVE. Where is the love? How Malaysian handle their LOVE life. Ask yourself, and look at your facebook wall post. Random minute, with random refresh at the recent post in random page, and you will see RANDOM emo post like... "ni bu ai wo liaw :( ", or "you never understand me :(".... get a life dude!!!!!

So with such a short lifespan of typical Malaysian, if you miss your chance to spend your time with your growing kid and your lovely wife, when do you want to do that? when you're 55 years old? Are you sure you're still capable of enjoying life at the age of 55? Can you still do backpacking around the world? Can you still "manage" to have another kid and watch their growing process?

That's all I want to ask. and now...THINK.

(P/s: the above story is just a make up story that in my opinion it is true. It does not reflect my real life and I am not talking about my boss)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Double F

When you see the word F in any financial blog, it will come to your mind that it will be financial freedom. I admit that I am just a fresh graduate and I am reading books and article about any financial related stuff and why financial freedom keep appear in the book/article? It's been brainwashing me all the time but this is good.

Here, the double F can be 2 meaning for me... in life, you will be in 2 situation. I will be rude here but this is life. Here you go:




I've done some research here. Believe or not? 98% out of 100% (except google's employee) of people do not enjoy their works and they wont be like "yeah!... i have OT today~ how fun I can stay longer in the office and I love to see my colleague/customer all the time." AND out of that 98% of people who do not really love their job, the first thing when they wake up early in the morning, their mind are polluted with 2 image:
the MONEY.



So, after we get onto our works, the image slowly fade away.

Again, continue, at night, the Double F appear in the mind again.

This is the routine in our life. It's very common and it's very normal as well. Anyway, i'm fresh in the society and I feel this, but I believe those older senior who have family, house loan, car loan, kids, and their other half will too stand in the 2 image, or even worse. -more debt :) thanks to the bank... ARIGATOOO BANKER-san. (lol sorry, i worked in japanese company and i expose to jap language a lot lately).

So now back to the story, you like to be the Heaven double F or the Hell double F? both we live on, both we can still be happy, both have their pros and cons. So you choose yourself. I have my path in my mind to get me moving forward anyway.

I'm standing at the Hell double F now. And I would like to share some of my thought to you, not sure if you feel the same. Firstly, the way I drive had changed. During my college time, I drive like Need For Speed:Underground, and now I drive like "Need For Petrol:Money edition". I'm not good at car parts and engine theory. So I google on "How to drive efficiently". If you want to know how, visit this :"". Believe me or not, I've saved up to 30% per month base on my calculation if I drive PROPERLY.

Next, I do not dare to apply for the credit card since I scare the syokness of washing the card all around. But no matter what, I will still register a card for petrol reason, since I don't have to bring cash all the time to fill my car. Even I don't have a card now, I can imagine that if I have a card and I don't control on it, I guess I won't dare to open up the monthly statement of my credit card. It's just too scary to see "Balance to be paid:$$$$".

Since my workplace provide free meal, so I do not worry too much on my meal. So to those who having meal out there. Try watch out your daily meal spend ok? Especially those who work in the mall, their lunch will be Kim gary, Paparich, Secret recipe, Mdm Wong, Mdm Kwang, whatever uncle and mdm! Having lunch at such place is ok once a week, but what if you do it daily basis? That is like wow? rm1k for meal only per month?

Finally, the thing I buy. For the first time in my life, I've actually calculated the ratio the worthness of the object against the time I spend to work. Example, lately I am into a watch called Victorinox. About 1.6k for the watch. And I was counting does it worth my working hour that I spend to earn? 1 day rm100 salary. I need to work 16 full days to afford the watch. Is it worth me? The watch can last me 5 years? 10 years?. So guys out there, this is what I am experiencing now. But no matter what, I will still buy a watch to reward myself since I don't have one now, and it is essential as it shows attitude of working in the society. My "buy list" goes on. Bless me.

That's all for now, its Sunday and I can't stay here blogging. I have to get my camera and get out now. See what can I get.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Power of "Look at your Face" Theory

My buddy 们, there is something I would like to share today and its about the "look at your face" theory that I've observed around in my daily life, in the shop, in my working environment. I guess most of you have see this situation before, or maybe I should say you involve into this phenomena before. Maybe you still don't know what am I talking about, I should just start off with 2 example comparing, and you will know what I try to say here. So we can discuss about it. Ok let's start:

1st example: (at the workplace-just a story, no offense if it coincide with your incident) People who involve is the worker, and the boss. One day, there is some emergency happen which will cause company to lose maybe a hundred of thousand- if not solve it properly. This worker gotten very panic trying to rescue the emergency, and the boss trying to comment or giving command while this worker is panicking. End up a mess, this worker make the situation worse and screwed up. SO here is the critical point. Its like when the thing is messed up, the worker suddenly got no idea what to do next, and THEN the boss stare at the worker face from beside. maybe a 0.5m range. Imagine, a situation where the worker got no idea what to do next sitting there feeling very panic and upset while the boss stare at you from beside. Awwww.... its awkward. Without scolding the worker, the boss' eyes sight on your face is like the LASER burning you! This is not totally bad. This teach you the lesson. This make you feel you need improvement. And this teach you how to say sorry and learn.

2nd example: (at the workplace-just a story, no offense if it coincide with your incident) I make it simple and fast here, since the first example, you know how is the vice versa. It involve the boss and the worker. Now its the worker's turn to stare at the boss. Lock your eye sight to the boss expression, hand movement, presentation, the way the boss talks, the way the boss command, and the way the boss solve emergency problem. In example 1, when boss stare at you equal to the boss is teaching u a lesson that you're wrong- a form of scolding. But when the worker stare at the boss, the aura that brings out from that particular scene easily shows that the worker is very willingly and very concentrating on learning from the boss.

So after the 2 example you get what I mean now? From the 3rd person point of view, you should understand that why power can create different aura. Its very very natural TO BE like that. Put it the other way round, when the boss do mistake, and the worker do what the boss command, and end up also epic fail, at this moment, the boss HAVE THE RIGHT to release the aura of staring at you too. The worker will be so innocent and yet scare being stared by the boss even the worker just follow the command. This teach us the lesson that powerful people ALWAYS rules. But what I mean is powerful in term of the particular situation or jobs. Who knows that the worker are good in swimming. When it comes to swimming, when the boss take a swimming course, and so soi the swimming coach is the worker. HOW? the worker stare back at the boss when the boss do mistake in swimming? LOL.

Just to conclude here, powerful people always rules. This is the fact that you have to accept. In the workplace, as long as the system is like a hierarchy, ruling of power is always exist. Just be with it.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Emotional threat of Spending

Dear buddy, this is quite some sensitive issue to talk about here. Know why? Because if I ask people not to spend, I offense them by limiting/forcing them to have fun shopping. But if I ask them to spend, then another issue will be "incoming" in the future. So here in this post I would like to discuss a little about the word SPEND.

People who like to spend DO enjoy the moment of paying at the casher. (especially those who standing at the counter of LV, GUCCI, PRADA, LACOSTE...). I can imagine the feeling of satisfaction. Every month after you see the paycheck that incease the value in your bank saving, you feel like getting something to reward yourself. It's like my childhood time where I get reward in the form of present from my parent or from my uncle if i get flying colour in my exam. As I mentioned earlier on, I dont stop people from buying branded stuff as I will offense both the buyer and the seller at this point. So, I would just like to use the word DISCUSS here :)

Let's discuss about the spending procedure (in my point of view):

Spending case A=
Salary/Income >> Spend >> Basic needs >> Loan/Debt >> Saving/Investment/Buying asset.

Spending case B=
Salary/Income >> Saving/Investment/Buying asset. >> Basic needs >> Loan/Debt >>Spend

Ok, in case A and case B both do spend. But case A spend the money first and then only do the rest, but case B invest the money first before he/she starts to spend. Is there any different? YES! THERE IS! For people in case A, end of the month they will either save A LITTLE of money only or they will end up totally do not plan and spend all of the money before they can save. When people around them advise him/her to invest or plan properly, he/she will say something like this: "aiyakkkkk, I got my "branded" last week la.... bank kosong bosssss". But for case B, the day he/she get his/her pay, they do the investment and saving first as what they have planned. Then the rest goes to the debt and needs, and then the SPEND:). At this point, in my opinion, spending the extra wont give you the pain in the wallet, but spending the money early on will give you stress and pain. (you don't have to tell, your facial expression already told the world you're in pain). -sorry if I offense someone in this discussion. ANYTHING here are made out of story.

So lesson ONE: Pay yourself, before you pay the others. (from the book rich dad poor dad).

Now lesson TWO, as I said, spending is the emotional expression of the individual. Either him/her are trying to reward their self or just the hobby to shop and spend. Here, I can divide into 2 cases again. The LONG TERM HAPPINESS vs SHORT TERM HAPPINESS. As when you spend earlier on and do not plan with your financial, you will stuck in the middle class, and those who plan for financial will probably be in the first class. (I dont mean everyone who spend early wont get rich, neither do the ppl who plan earlier will get rich, but just that the probability is higher). The Power of Compound, I gonna bullshit a bit about power of compound when I have the time but for now, I will just say that this lesson no. 2 is linked to the power of compound. Let's us call it the POC. So, when you plan, and stick to the plan with DISCIPLINE, you will be able to follow according to your financial planning path. But if you just chasing for the fun-ness of the short term happiness, and get yourself something branded in the early stage, then you might be a bit slower catching up with the upper class. REMEMBER, when I say branded doesn't mean you don't buy quality stuff. In my opinion, when you have the necessary of having that particular things, get it in the best quality so that you can save both your time and your money in the long run.

So, lesson TWO: Spend on the necessary with QUALITY, and DON'T spend if you do not have extra and you don't really need it.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Law of Attraction

I call it the "nature" of Hisap (Bahasa Malaysia). Recently I've finish the book called "The Secret". I believe many people heard about the wonder of this book. STOP! I know what are you thinking in your mind now... hiak hiak hiak~. You start to wonder if everyone start to hisap this law, this world will be messy lor, but no worry. The first book from this author get a lot of criticism from the reader. It slowly tend to make the reader feel like this book is evil, it's religious-ness, its "scary" in the form of satan's power. But who cares right? reader read the books, they can gain knowledge from the books. Even the worse case that you disagree 98% from the books. You still learn grammar from it right? (paiseh ar, my english grammar also not so good even i've read alot, coz I like to be freestyler).

Ok, let's get down to this writing. I do not want to spend my time explaining about this "law" because people would know it already. If you don't know, buy the books, and read it yourself. (I read from my iphone apps using "mega-reader". I'll sumurize a little before I giving example from this law. The law of attraction practically means that "what you thinks, what you dream, will comes to you". You think to be rich, you act like you are rich, you perform your daily life and express your attitude as if you are rich. AND there you are, you "hisap" all the rich around you. But wait, this is not the divine ultimate god power, this is scientifically explainable if you ask me. This is because when you start to dream, you start to act like the other self, i'll call it the dreamer. Once you stuck to be the dreamer of yourself, you tend to move and act like it, and the action lead you to the reaction. Newton's 3rd law, action always lead to the same reaction. So..... basically you know what to do now.

Next, I would like to talk about my sister who went to a financial seminar. The person who give speech talks about chakra in the seminar.

Ok, like what you see chakra is a form of energy possess in human body(hindu's believe, not bieber's belieber). So why financial talks about energy? Lol, i am not feng shui master but who cares.

The reason I mention this seminar is I would like to apply my theory in the law of attraction. People tend to get stress, from works, family, friend, health, and so so on. So the law of attraction now comes to you. What do you "hisap" here boss?? You start to hisap all the negative force toward you from this universe. So before you learn to apply the law of hisap, my advise is to learn the law of release(my law). The law of unhisapness- You have to release all the negative impact on you. Start from meditation. Like the power of yoga, the power of chakra practice. Me myself don't do all this yoga or chakra stuff. But I do meditate often. Especially before bed time.

You can't apply law of attraction if your brain is dirty. So start off meditate. When you release your body, and clear your mind, start brainwash your mind with some positive thing or those thing that your dreamer dream of.

Before I end my topic here, I gonna give some example of the guitarist that inspire me all the time, and also example from me myself as a guitar player (hobby nia la, not pro).

Jimi Hendrix AKA the guitar GOD, or AKA the god of classic rocking machine in the 60'. During the childhood times, this weirdo mimic playing a guitar but by using a broom (i know you are like WTF? HAHA), he play over some record, or radio. As soon as he get his first guitar, he start to dream to climb to the submit of legendary guitarist. He sleep with the guitar(Again, its weird i know). But who cares, he attract all the legendary force to him, from zero to fame, from broom to guitarto the legend. You have to know, without him, there is no rock today. He is the god of guitar world.RIP jimi. The god up there need your guitar lesson.

Last but not least, me myself. I don't have any music DNA build-in. I dont have any talented hand. I never go for any guitar tutor or any yamaha class. But I dream to be a good player. I dont dream big, I dream it the possible way. I practice hard, i spend my free time playing guitar over youtube lesson or some chord handbook that my uncle gave me. Finally, I dream to play on the stage and OPS i accidently play over a "HORDE" of crowd thanks to my "shit" friend ray. I dream to have my first electric guitar, and OPS again, i got 3 electric guitar(should be 4 but 1 got stolen). OH YA, talk about stolen, I could link it to the law of hisap again. Because I love the guitar too much, I am so scare of hilangkan my 1st guitar, I imagine all kind of possibility that my guitar will missing somewhere, and POOF, the good theft take it from my home. Law of attraction don't limit you- say, that i have to buy the guitar myself, but it does count-in even its a gift from my parent.

There are many things to list out in my life time experience. You can recall back and link it to this law and you will find out that this is true (at least to me). And even if it is not, my advise is to meditate and fill your mind with positive thought. So no harm right?

Thats all for reading this long informal blog. Thanks and good luck mate ^^