Thursday, September 8, 2011

The killer "Question"

It's been decade I'm not blogging to this "lonely soul" blogspot already, but I feel kinda like express my anger today, so, I'm going to split everything out the thing. -things that i day dreamed when i was driving (its just a story)... I'll use the conversation approach in this post. Let's start:

(after a tiring day of work)

Boss: hey ali, how is your job today, everything doing fine???

Ali: yeah, everything is good but just that i'm a little tired. *mentally tired*

Boss: Waaaa, work a bit and you say tired liaw, you see I work from morning till late night also never complain tired leh!! ONE DAY when you hold bigger responsibility then you will work like me also, so you better train to have more endurance now ehhh...

Ali: Hmm... yeah boss but I....

Boss: Walao, don't but liaw... I see you are really a potential guy and you do your job very well. People around you like you quite well and why dont you do your best and show to the COMPANY that you are capable of doing things and show off your skill and talent??

Ali: *smiled, with the lower cheek being down*

Ali: Boss, do you mind that I

ask you ONE simple question please?

Boss: Sure why not!

Ali: Boss, how many hours do you spend with your lovely wife and your cute kid per days?
*I have the answer in me but I am curiou

s with the answer that he might give*

(the atmosphere turned like you were in the Area51) - 10 second later....

Boss: Depends!

Ali: ohhh i see...

(Boss walked away)

Ali (thinkin in the mind): Average person sleep 7 hours a day. 24 hours minus 7 hours is 17 awakening-hour. Spend 1 hour preparing to work, half hour to reach the destination, 9 working hours, and another half an hour to went back home. You left 6 of your OWN-hours in your daily life.

ow the review of the story:

Dear friends, imagine if you have a family to take care and to love of... DO YOU wan to take responsibility over something that is "EMPTY" actually? Taking RESPONSIBILITY over the company matter, and are you so proud of it? My friend, let's say if you DO, know how to teleport, and your working hours is the typical 8-5 deadly time. Then let me ask you TWO MORE QUESTION. What time your kid sleep at night? and when is the most important PROCESS of the growth of your kid?

THE ANSWER: healthy sleeping child is around 9 o'clock, and the most important process of their life is their childhood.

and you have 4 hours in your life out of 17 HOURS!!!!!!??? that you can see spend with your precious friends and family?

Let me show you some graph
that I personally found it interesting to study:

Do you see how Malaysian's life expectancy compare to all other country? and do you have a taste of how the other countries' life style is? If you have any friends from any of the country shown in the graph, talk to them and discuss about lifestyle and you will find out why. For example, look at Japan. Do Malaysian spend their precious time hot bathing, and having a sip of SAKE? or look at Switzerland, are you smiling all the time and saying "Grazie"?? OH YA, and look at FRANCE BABEHH! talking about France, and you'll link it to Paris, then Paris with LOVE. Where is the love? How Malaysian handle their LOVE life. Ask yourself, and look at your facebook wall post. Random minute, with random refresh at the recent post in random page, and you will see RANDOM emo post like... "ni bu ai wo liaw :( ", or "you never understand me :(".... get a life dude!!!!!

So with such a short lifespan of typical Malaysian, if you miss your chance to spend your time with your growing kid and your lovely wife, when do you want to do that? when you're 55 years old? Are you sure you're still capable of enjoying life at the age of 55? Can you still do backpacking around the world? Can you still "manage" to have another kid and watch their growing process?

That's all I want to ask. and now...THINK.

(P/s: the above story is just a make up story that in my opinion it is true. It does not reflect my real life and I am not talking about my boss)